Looking for a unique way to celebrate a special day in your or a loved one’s life? Whether it is a special birthday, anniversary, or wedding, we can help you honor that day or person when you become a WYPR Day Sponsor.
As a WYPR Day Sponsor, you will work with WYPR staff to craft an on-air message that will be heard three times on your sponsored day.
A few examples of acceptable Day Sponsorship messages on WYPR 88.1 FM:
"Today’s programs are made possible in part by…"
"…Buddy Glass, in memory of Seymour Glass."
"…Max Fischer, in celebration of Margaret Yang’s birthday."
"…Ray and Carol Watergill, congratulating Pete and Sue Sullivan as they begin their life together."
Day Sponsorships are available to individuals once the full, annual gift is paid either in one payment of $480 or after 12 monthly gifts of $40.