Single Gift - Website Banners

Please complete the form below to make a single, one-time gift to KLCC. We appreciate your generosity!
Note: You can support KLCC year round by becoming a KLCC Sustaining Member. Your monthly donation consists of an automatic payment on your debit/credit card or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) from your checking account. Sustaining Memberships help keep costs down by reducing postage and printing costs, and they ensure your KLCC support continues without disruption. Simply call or email our membership team to cancel or change your membership!

Sustainer Form - Set up a monthly donation to KLCC.

Sustainer Update Form - Update your existing Sustainer account.

There is never any contribution necessary to enter KLCC sweepstakes. See contest rules for more information.

Donation Amount
Minimum payment $5.00.
Click "Open" to view more info, then click "Add Gift" to confirm your selection.
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Shipping Address
Enter Payment Details
**Visa and MasterCard ONLY**
Thank you. Your pledge commitment will be sent to you by mail soon.


Your credit card statement may show a pending $1 amount until your full contribution is processed in a few days. Sustainer monthly charges are processed on the 25th of each month.