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Your support keeps 88.9 KETR strong! With exciting updates like new HD channels, upgraded audio, and expanded community services, your generosity ensures we continue to grow and thrive. Consider making a sustaining gift today to help us bring quality programming to Northeast Texas every day. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

To make a one-time gift to KETR, please click here.

Thank you for your support of 88.9 KETR, The Lion 88.9-HD2, and Radio Bilingüe!

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Minimum payment $5.00.
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Notably Texan Bumper Sticker

Available for a $303/month donation.

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Notably Texan Bumper Sticker

Available for a $303/month donation.

A Notably Texan bumper sticker to show off your love for great Texas music and this program on 88.9 KETR!
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